A goal is simply something that you want to achieve. Employee goal setting is an essential part of running all types of business, with goal management being the process whereby business, team and personal goals can be set and continuously monitored and evaluated.
The aim of goal management is to not just set better goals, but to achieve your goals in the most efficient and effective way. It could be argued that without strong goal management competencies within a business the business is more likely to focus on not strategic work of a far lesser importance. This reduces competitiveness, which if left to continue would eventually put the business at risk from more strategic, more aligned and more focused organisations that have better business and goal management operations in place.
There is over 35 years of research on employee goal setting that beyond telling us what we know, which is goal setting is an essential part of achievement, the research tells us why goal setting works and the conditions that make some goals way more effective that others.
Goals increase our focus on the relevant activities – Goals serve as a directive function. They direct attention towards goal relevant activities, and away from irrelevant ones.
Hard goals prolong effort – When employees can control their time, e.g. they work remotely, hard goals prolong their effort, with sustained effort helping to achieve more.
Hard goals increase effort – Hard goals are energising and lead to greater effort. Easy to achieve goals have low levels of impact and value so should be avoided.
Hard goals accelerate learning & improved collaboration – Hard goals cause the arousal, discovery and use of task relevant knowledge and strategies. Easy goals don’t.
How you set goals for teams and employees will very much depend on the approach you take. Tools and frameworks like KPIs, SMART, and OKRs are complementary ways to approach goal setting, and are supported in ZOKRI and taught by our OKR consultants.
Good guiding principles are to ensure your goals contain:
Create alignment – Goals set in silos that are not going to support strategy, and are not vertically or horizontally aligned run the risk of being poorly aligned, with energy being directed to lower impact or irrelevant activities.
Use quality metrics – Quality metrics / KPIs make good goals and focusing on the ones that require the most change makes a good goal. Making sure you track the metrics that matter is a key part of know what needs to become a goal and how you measure achievement.
Make goals a stretch – As you can see from the research, easy goals are low value goals, so hard goals need to be normalised and failure needs to be made safe and a learning experience. If you’re not able to set hard goals, you will achieve less.
Avoid BAU – Goals that are set that involve following business-as-usual processes and doing everyday jobs-to-be-done make poor goals. They dilute your focus from the goals that matter most and are the focus of the change required.
Inputs like Strategic Pillars can provide specific areas of focus and a structure that enable success criteria to be defined for the successful implementation of the strategy, as well as allowing departments and teams to align goals with your strategy.
You could also use themes that allow for alignment. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for example, where you would use Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth as themes in which you set goals. The BSG can form the basis of a Strategy Map that acts as a long-term guide and compass that compliments shorter-term more agile approaches to goal setting like Objectives and Key Results – OKR.
Having a strong measurement culture will help you set better goals. These are the measurements that will define the success of your strategic objectives and alert you to issues. KPIs that need to be reviewed frequently, with monitoring and prioritisation providing the basis for reporting and goal setting.
A Company set’s its annual and / or quarterly goals using OKRs. These goals align tightly with strategic objectives and pillars. These are the goals that are used by departments, teams and individuals will be aligning with each quarter from the bottom up. It’s this more empowered and autonomous form of goal setting that has been proven to offer huge increases in performance. If you’re looking for ‘best practice’ employee goal setting, OKRs tracked and managed in OKR software are it.
Project based goals where the delivery of a project by a specific time is the achievement is another type of goal which should be aligned with the more outcome based, metric centric goals.
In Objectives and Key Results and frameworks like BSC these are called Initiatives. They are designed to be aligned and bring executional clarity alongside goal clarity.
ZOKRI is a flexible goal management platform that allows you to set strategy, align annual and quarterly goals, align Initiative with key results, and manage the day-to-day processes and job-to-be-done that ensure everyone is on-track.
This makes ZOKRI a flexible and best practice way to set and manage goals in your company. ZOKRI also has an experienced team of OKR consultants to help optimize the framework for any company. Creating clarity on what needs to be achieved, clarity on who is working on what, and providing transparency on progress, problems and achievements. Putting managers in control and employees in the picture. Both of which improves performance, engagement, retention and improves the bottom-line.
Work out exactly what to measure – set KPIs that get the results you’re looking for by using our KPI examples as inspiration.
Company OKRs are top of the OKR hierarchy. They are often Annual or Quarterly and are an extension of your strategy.
Sales are one of the most Metric Driven team in any business. So what’s the difference between a Metric and a KPI?
Marketing is a department that has more metrics than most. This is due to the width of the complexity of the discipline.
The primary goal of SEO is to increase revenues from search engine results pages, without paying for the click.
SaaS, like most types of business, should involve a data lead Leadership Team. Consider using these KPI examples.
We’ve created OKR examples for common departments and teams within a company to help inspire your own.
Company OKRs are top of the OKR hierarchy. They are often Annual or Quarterly and are an extension of your strategy.
The finance team are often the custodians of a companies most important metrics and as such are usually aware of set targets.
Human Resources OKRs have a huge impact on a business – and OKRs can be used to measure HR effectiveness.
Marketing is one of the teams that sees significant performance increases from using Objectives and Key Results.
Sales teams are used to having goals, but setting OKRs are quite different. Sales have their tools but they lack transparency.
Whether you call your department Customer Service or Customer Success, it’s all about keeping them happy.
Engineering build the products that underpin competitive advantage. OKRs will really help to streamline this.
Product Marketing OKRs are really important to growth. Improvement ensures your product is understood and trialled.
Product Management OKRs are where you will express the biggest priorities you’re facing right now as a department.
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Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.
His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.