OKR TRAINING & Implementation

Implement OKRs Brilliantly - OKR Training, Consulting & Mentoring

With our OKR training, you can implement OKRs in less than 90 days. Teams will be focused, engaged, and excited about where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

Expert OKR Training

OKR Experts That Will Set You Up For OKR Success

First Time OKR Launch

OKR consultants and trainers teach teams new skills and ensure your OKRs will have the impact you expect and can be achieved.

Implementation Fine Tuning

If you have tried to implement OKR, and found teams need help and support to get to the next level, we can help you refine your approach.


Hours of leadership and team coaching


Organizations supported


Growth unlocked

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Common OKR Training Questions

Great question, and it's one we hear a lot. Here's the deal: while OKRs might seem straightforward on paper, implementing them effectively is a whole different ball game. That's where we come in, armed with a ton of real-world experience.

We've guided countless organizations through this journey, and we've seen it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly. This experience is gold, and you simply can't replicate it by reading a book or watching a few videos.

Here's what we bring to the table:

  • Speed: We fast-track your OKR implementation. What might take you a year of trial and error, we can help you achieve in a quarter or two. Time is money, right?

  • Risk Reduction: We've seen the pitfalls and know how to avoid them. This means fewer mistakes, less frustration, and a smoother journey for your team.

  • Customization: Every organization is unique. We tailor the OKR approach to fit your specific culture, industry, and goals. It's not one-size-fits-all.

  • Change Management: Change can be tough. We've got tried-and-true strategies to get buy-in across your organization and create lasting cultural change.

  • Best Practices: We bring a toolkit of best practices from various industries. You get to learn from others' successes (and failures) without the painful firsthand experience.

  • Ongoing Support: We don't just set it and forget it. We're there to coach, troubleshoot, and fine-tune as you go along.

  • Objectivity: Sometimes, you need an outside perspective to challenge assumptions and push boundaries. We're not afraid to ask the tough questions.

  • Skill Transfer: Our goal is to make ourselves obsolete. We teach your team to fish, so to speak, ensuring you can run with OKRs long after we're gone.


Bottom line? We're not just teaching theory; we're bringing battle-tested experience that dramatically increases your chances of OKR-driven business success. We accelerate your learning curve, reduce implementation headaches, and boost the odds of achieving that performance breakthrough you're after.

So, while you could go it alone, why would you want to? With us, you're not just implementing OKRs; you're tapping into a wealth of knowledge that turns OKRs from a goal-setting tool into a true catalyst for organizational transformation. Let's make some magic happen!

The short answer is: it depends. But don't worry, let's break it down for you based on our extensive experience guiding organizations through this process.

Typically, we see meaningful results within 1-2 quarters, but to really embed OKRs into your organization's DNA, you're looking at about a year. Here's why:

  • Quick Wins (1-2 months): We kick things off fast. Within the first couple of months, we'll have your leadership team trained, your first set of OKRs drafted, and your initial processes set up. It's like a crash course in OKRs, but with expert guidance to ensure you're on the right track.

  • First Quarter (3 months): This is where the rubber meets the road. You'll run your first full OKR cycle with our support. Expect a steep learning curve, but also expect to see some early wins that get people excited.

  • Refinement (3-6 months): By now, you've got the basics down. We'll work with you to fine-tune your approach, address any challenges, and start spreading OKRs deeper into the organization.

  • Maturity (6-12 months): This is where OKRs really start to become part of your culture. You'll see improved alignment, better focus, and hopefully, some impressive results.

Our experience shows that organizations that commit to a full year of guided implementation see dramatically better results. Why? Because we're not just implementing a process, we're driving a cultural shift. And culture, as we all know, doesn't change overnight.

But here's the good news: with our guidance, you're not starting from scratch. We've helped numerous organizations through this journey, so we know the shortcuts, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to accelerate the process without cutting corners.

Implementing OKRs is not a sprint; it's more like interval training. There are bursts of intense activity followed by periods of application and learning. Our job is to set the pace, push when needed, and ensure you're building the stamina to make OKRs a long-term driver of performance.

So while the full journey might take a year, you'll be seeing benefits and improvements along the way. And trust me, based on what we've seen with other organizations, the long-term payoff is worth every minute invested.

We get it - time is your most precious resource. Let me break this down for you based on our experience working with busy leadership teams just like yours.

First off, let's be real: implementing OKRs isn't a spectator sport. It requires active participation, especially from leadership. But here's the good news: with our guidance, we make every minute count. Here's what you can expect:

  • Initial Kick-off (1-2 days): We'll need your full leadership team for an intensive few days. This is where we align on goals, tailor the OKR approach to your needs, and get everyone fired up. It's like your OKR boot camp!

  • Regular Check-ins (1-2 hours weekly): We've found that consistent, shorter touchpoints work best. You can expect a weekly hour or so with key members of your leadership team to review progress, address challenges, and keep the momentum going.

  • Quarterly Planning Sessions (1 day per quarter): These are your power days. We'll facilitate intensive sessions to review the previous quarter and set OKRs for the next. It's like your quarterly offsite, but supercharged with purpose.

  • Ad-hoc Strategy Sessions (As needed, usually 2-3 hours): Sometimes, we need to dive deep into specific areas. These pop up as needed, but we'll always schedule them with plenty of notice.

  • Individual Coaching (1 hour bi-weekly per leader): This is where the magic happens. One-on-one sessions to help each leader master OKRs and drive change in their areas.

Now, here's an OKR insider tip: based on our experience, the organizations that see the most dramatic results are those where leaders are fully engaged. We're talking about a total time investment of about 10-15% of your leaders' time during the first quarter, tapering to 5-10% in subsequent quarters.

But remember, this isn't additional work - it's about working smarter on your most critical priorities. Our clients consistently report that this time investment pays for itself many times over in improved focus, alignment, and results.

And here's the best part: we're experts at working with busy executives. We'll maximize every minute, come prepared with clear agendas, and ensure that every session drives real progress. No fluff, no wasted time - just high-impact, transformative work.

Think of it this way: you're not just committing time; you're investing in a new way of driving performance across your entire organization. And with our experience guiding the process, you're fast-tracking your way to results that might otherwise take years to achieve.

You've hit on something crucial here. One size definitely doesn't fit all when it comes to OKRs, and that's where our depth of experience shines.

We've worked with organizations across a wild variety of industries - from tech startups to non-profits, from healthcare providers to financial institutions. And you know what? Each one required a unique approach.

Here's how we make sure OKRs fit your organization like a glove:

  • Deep Dive Discovery: Before we even think about training, we do a deep dive into your world. We'll study your industry, your competitive landscape, and most importantly, your specific organizational culture. It's like we're anthropologists, but instead of ancient cultures, we're studying your company's DNA.

  • Stakeholder Interviews: We'll chat with key players across your organization. This helps us understand the nuances of how your company ticks, what motivates your people, and where the potential roadblocks might be.

  • Customized Content: Based on what we learn, we tailor all our training materials. We use real-world examples from your industry and create scenarios that your team can relate to. No generic, off-the-shelf stuff here!

  • Flexible Frameworks: While the core principles of OKRs remain constant, how they're applied can vary widely. We'll adapt the OKR framework to fit your existing processes and culture, rather than forcing you into a rigid system.

  • Industry-Specific Metrics: We'll help you develop meaningful KPIs and OKRs in your industry.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: If you're a big corporate environment, our approach will differ from how we'd work with a casual tech startup. We speak your language and respect your cultural norms.

  • Scalable Approach: Whether you're a company of 50 or 5,000 employees, we scale our approach to fit. We've done both, and everything in between!

  • Continuous Refinement: As we work with you, we're constantly fine-tuning our approach. If something needs to be landing quite right, we pivot. It's all about maximizing impact for your specific situation.

Because we've worked across so many industries and cultures, we bring a treasure trove of best practices. We might borrow an idea that worked brilliantly in healthcare and adapt it for your tech company. This cross-pollination of ideas often leads to innovative approaches that you wouldn't get from an industry-specific consultant.

Remember, our goal isn't to turn you into a carbon copy of Google or Intel. It's to help you become the best version of your own organization, using OKRs as the catalyst.

The million-dollar question! We love this one because it gets right to the heart of what OKRs are all about – measurable results. And we have some stories to tell!

We'll be straight with you – the specific outcomes vary depending on your starting point, your industry, and your goals. But based on our extensive experience, here are some common wins our clients typically see:

  • Improved Alignment: Our clients report a huge increase in cross-functional collaboration. Imagine your teams rowing in the same direction instead of playing tug-of-war!

  • Increased Productivity: We consistently see a 10-30% boost in key productivity metrics. One client called it "getting more done without working more hours." Magic, right?

  • Faster Execution: Most organizations we work with see a 25-35% reduction in time-to-market for new initiatives. It's like greasing the wheels of your entire operation.

  • Improved Goal Attainment: Our clients see their most important strategic goals achieved. For us, it's not just about setting goals; it's about setting the right goals and achieving them quickly.

  • Enhanced Transparency: Almost universally, employees report they understand company priorities – when they understand them they can align with them!

  • Better Employee Engagement: We typically see a 15-25% jump in employee satisfaction scores. Happy employees, happy life... or something like that!

  • Revenue Growth: We are lucky; we get to not only see the leading indicators being focused on, we get to see them influencing the lagging ones.

We'll work with you to define the specific success metrics that matter most to your organization.

The organizations that see the most dramatic results are the ones that fully commit to the process. It's like going to the gym – you get out what you put in. But with us as your personal trainers, you're set up for success from day one.

Implementing OKRs isn't just about improving a few metrics. It's about transforming how your entire organization thinks about goal-setting and achievement. It's about creating a culture of focus, alignment, and continuous improvement.

In our years of implementing OKRs, we've seen it all. From eye-rolling executives to mutinous middle managers, we've faced down every flavor of "No way, not here" you can imagine.

Honestly, a little skepticism is healthy, and overcoming resistance is where the real magic happens. Here's how we turn those skeptics into your biggest OKR champions:

  • Acknowledge and Validate: First things first, we don't dismiss concerns. We lean into them. We've found that most resistance comes from a valid place, and acknowledging that builds trust. We're not here to steamroll; we're here to collaborate.

  • Education is Key: Often, resistance stems from misunderstanding. We run sessions that demystify the process. Knowledge is power, and it's also a great antidote to fear of the unknown.

  • Show, Don't Just Tell: We come armed with a arsenal of real-world success stories. Nothing silences a skeptic quite like seeing how OKRs transformed a company just like theirs.

  • Customize, Customize, Customize: We're not here to force a one-size-fits-all approach. We tailor OKRs to fit your culture, which helps overcome the "it won't work here" mentality.

  • Start Small, Win Big: We often begin with pilot programs in receptive departments. Early wins create internal case studies and word-of-mouth excitement.

  • Address Pain Points: We identify what's currently frustrating your teams and show how OKRs can solve those specific problems. It's like offering aspirin to someone with a headache.

  • Leadership Alignment: We work closely with your leadership team to ensure they're not just on board, but visibly championing OKRs. Nothing sinks implementation faster than a skeptical leader.

  • Continuous Feedback Loop: We create safe spaces for ongoing feedback. This isn't a top-down imposition; it's a collaborative evolution.

  • Celebrate Early Wins: We're big on quick wins and celebrating them loudly. Success breeds success, and nothing converts a skeptic like seeing positive results.

  • Patience and Persistence: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is an OKR culture. We're in it for the long haul, gently but consistently moving the needle.

It's common for your biggest initial skeptics become your most vocal advocates. Why? Because once they see OKRs in action, they realize it's not another management fad, but a powerful tool that makes their work life better.

Implementing OKRs is as much about change management as it is about goal-setting. We're not just consultants; we're part coach, part therapist, and part cheerleader. We've guided countless organizations through this journey, turning eye-rolls into high-fives.

So, bring on the skeptics! We're ready to win them over, one "aha!" moment at a time. 

We don't do one-size-fits-all pricing. Why? Because no two organizations are the same, and we tailor our approach to fit your specific needs. That said, I can give you a ballpark idea based on our experience.

Typically, an OKR implementation programs typically ranges from $15,000 to $30,000, depending on the size of your organization, the complexity of your needs, and the level of support required. Let's break down what you're getting for your investment:

  • Initial Assessment and Strategy Review: We dive deep into your organization to customize our approach.

  • OKR Training: We customize our training to ensure you learn quickly and be ready to create some great OKRs.

  • OKR Development Facilitation: We don't just teach; we roll up our sleeves and help you craft your first sets of OKRs in facilitated workshops.

  • Implementation Support: We're there to guide you through your first OKR cycles.

  • Follow-up Coaching: Ongoing support to refine and optimise your OKR process.

  • Tools and Resources: Custom playbooks, templates, materials and potentially software specific to your organization.

This isn't just a cost; it's an investment with a serious ROI. Our clients see returns that dwarf the initial outlay. We're talking productivity boosts, faster goal achievement, and direct impact on the bottom line.

And let's not forget the cost of not implementing OKRs effectively. How much is misalignment, lack of focus, and missed goals currently costing you? One CEO told us our fee was a bargain compared to the cost of another year of "strategic confusion."

Let's see how we can tailor a program that fits your budget and exceeds your expectations. Let's set up a call.

We've got a whole roster of clients who are happy to chat with you about their experience. They can give you the unvarnished truth about working with us, warts and all (luckily, there aren't many warts).

We can set you up with references that match your industry, company size, or specific challenges. Want to talk to someone who was initially skeptical about OKRs? We've got that. Looking for a company that transformed their culture through OKRs? We can hook you up.

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Featured Content
The Ultimate OKR Handbook

Transform your organization with 20,000+ hours of proven expertise.

Tried & Tested

The 3 Step OKR Training Plan

Step 1: Context Is Everything

Step 1 is about your business and your people. It involves learning where you are starting from and where you want to go.

We invest time together to plan to succeed and make everything we do contextual to your strategy, situation, capabilities, people and history with management frameworks.

We will tailor the principles to your context and refine our learning materials and your future internal training materials and handbook to reflect that. These amazing resources and documents have taken us years to perfect and are yours under license. Having them will save you many hundreds of hours and lay the foundations of org. wide OKR success. 

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Step 2: Learn, Then Learn By Doing

Step 2 is where your team get training on what they are going to be asked to do and why. This gives them clarity on where they need to get to in terms of skills, competencies and application of these.

Through pre-workshop tasks and facilitated workshops one or two draft OKRs will be created per division and a post-workshop planning period will increase these OKRs chances of success.

We attend check-ins to support and coach OKR leads, and drive progress.

Step 3: Optimizing The Wider Org.

Step 3 is a key one. Using OKR for strategy leaves an urgent requirement to also provide frameworks, systems and processes to optimize BAU performance.

Current BAU work, projects, responding to issues and seizing opportunities that improve team performance will have its own plan and approach.

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OKR Implementation ROI Broken Down

Reignite growth or accelerate success with OKR implementation.

OKR Consultants & Trainers In The UK, Europe & USA

"ZOKRI provided training and workshops that connected our data to strategy and execution, enabling crucial strategic decisions and making us more data-informed. The software was a game-changer, bringing our planning to life with tools like KPI trees, OKRs, and time-saving features. The entire experience added energy, focus, urgency, and confidence to our teams."
Ashley Heather | Head of Strategic Operations | Building Materials Nationwide

Expert Guidance Solutions

Optional Bolt-Ons

Depending on our client's requirements we have a range of consulting, training, services, and software options that can be accessed.​

For example, if teams are finding that business-as-usual is preventing goal progress being made we can help unlock time with better meeting policies and training, and provide expert help to complete work that needs to be done.

Another common requirement is the improvement if how individual performance management is managed, which often includes the launch of incentive and bonus plans. Where customers do not have software, these can be managed in our software solution.

Lastly, where customers need fractional or interim leadership in areas like Marketing, Sales and Product Management we can deply world-class expertise quickly and cost effectively.

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Achieve More

OKR Advisors That Get Results

"ZOKRI provided training and workshops that connected our data to strategy and execution, enabling crucial strategic decisions and making us more data-informed. The software was a game-changer, bringing our planning to life with tools like KPI trees, OKRs, and time-saving features. The entire experience added energy, focus, urgency, and confidence to our teams."
Watch Full Testimonial

Ashley Heather | Head of Strategic Operations | Building Materials Nationwide

“We had used OKRs but had not had great success with some teams being cynical. Matt trained the team and managed to get them excited and engaged again, and them guided them through the first few quarters until they finally clicked.”
David Harling | CMO | Money Smart

“Matt facilitated a week of strategy and OKR workshops for us. By the end, we were buzzing. We had a strategy we believed in and a framework we knew would deliver."
Collette Easton | CEO | Yard

“Ian is a recognised OKR leader with deep expertise and our trusted OKR Advisers. He helped the Leadership Team be outcomes-driven and reduced the number of OKRs to three-driving real focus.”
James Linton | Head of Strategic Operations | ZEGO


The Full Spectrum of Benefits Our OKR Trainers/Consultants Deliver

As OKR consultants specializing in growing revenue by advising on strategy and OKRs implementations, we have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of businesses. While the benefits of hiring external OKR experts are well-known, numerous hidden advantages often go unnoticed.

Key Benefits of Working With Our OKR Consultants & OKR Trainers

OKR Advisors With Specialized Knowledge and Skills

The primary benefit of hiring external strategy, OKR consultants, OKR trainers and advisors is our specialized knowledge and skills.

We bring deep expertise and experience in strategy, OKRs, and execution processes and tactics that can significantly enhance a business’s operational capabilities.

Our expertise and experience are then paired with a depth of training assets that can be used and customized as required.

OKR Experts Bring Objective Insights and Fresh Perspectives

One key to our success is that we provide an objective viewpoint that is not influenced by the company’s internal culture, politics, or biases.

This fresh perspective can prove invaluable in identifying problems and inefficiencies that internal teams might overlook.

Our neutrality helps make unbiased decisions easier.

Our Expert OKR Advisors Are Cost-Effective

Using external OKR experts leads to better and quicker OKR implementations.

Better outcomes delivered faster saves costs related to time and resources.

We have business function experts in areas like product, marketing, sales, and engineering who can be used to add much-needed resources and capabilities.

The Not-So-Hidden Benefits Of OKR Trainers

Catalyzing Innovation

Our OKR consulting and training team works in various industries and brings with them a wealth of diverse experiences.

This exposure allows them to cross-pollinate ideas, integrating concepts from different fields to foster innovation within the company.

Their fresh approach can spark creativity among the internal team, pushing boundaries and encouraging new ways of thinking and doing.

Facilitating Change Management

Implementing change can be challenging, especially in established organizations with set routines and cultures.

We usually find that we are catalysts for change, providing the necessary push to overcome inertia.

We bring methodologies and success stories from other companies, helping ease fears and resistance among staff and smoothing the transition during the transformation phases.

Training & Development

Whilst our primary role might not always include training, external experts inadvertently contribute to the professional development of the internal team.

Through collaboration and daily interactions, employees learn new skills and gain insights into advanced methodologies and industry best practices.

This informal training helps uplift the overall skill level of the workforce without the significant expenses typically associated with formal training programs.

Expanding Professional Networks

Our OKR consultants and OKR trainers have extensive networks and can connect your business with potential technology partners, experts, and even future employees.

These connections can be invaluable, opening doors to new business opportunities, collaborations, and ventures that might not have been accessible otherwise.

Risk Mitigation

Lastly, our consultants provide critical oversight.

We are good at foreseeing potential risks and pitfalls that might not be evident to the internal team, and we often need our experience and foresight to devise risk mitigation strategies.

Unlock Hidden Value

Maximize Success with Our OKR Training Expertise

We are proud to say that our OKR consulting team offers many advantages that go far beyond the surface-level benefits of specialized expertise and fresh perspectives.

From fostering innovation and facilitating change to enhancing professional development and expanding networks, the hidden benefits are substantial. You can leverage the full spectrum of advantages our experts provide to solve immediate problems and position yourself for long-term success.

Insights Library

Free Expert Content

Explore our resource library, featuring content from industry experts and coaches on strategy, OKRs, goal setting, execution and culture building to help boost performance and drive success.

Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.