Need To Know For The CEO


A podcast where CEOs share their hard-earned stories on how to be a better CEO.

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Need To Know For The CEO

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Discover how Phil Lidgerton transformed Building Materials Nationwide into an industry powerhouse through strategic growth, innovation, and a seamless buying experience. Listen to his inspiring journey of determination, overcoming challenges, and fostering a positive team culture.

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Explore Collette Easton’s transformative journey as CEO of YARD Digital, where she revolutionizes the digital marketing agency model, emphasizing quick wins, strategic planning, and a people-first culture to drive client success and foster innovation.

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Join John Straw as he shares his incredible journey from startup opportunist to strategic thinker, emphasizing the importance of sales skills, overcoming failures, and leveraging AI to transform businesses. His insights into building strong relationships and navigating the future of business make this a must-listen for any CEO.

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Learn from Steve Brown, CEO of Moonpull, as he delves into enhancing affiliate marketing through advanced analytics, overcoming tracking challenges, and the importance of collaboration and accurate data in driving industry success.

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Join Matt and Ian as they debate Jensen Huang’s aversion to one-on-one meetings, exploring its impact on leadership, feedback, psychological safety, and the importance of adapting management styles to different organizational contexts.

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Learn from Matt and Ian as they explore the power of OKRs in achieving business success through goal-setting, data models, cross-functional collaboration, and strategic alignment, highlighting the importance of OKR maturity for driving effective outcomes.

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Join Matt and Ian as they explore the differences between KPIs and OKRs. In this episode, they discuss types of analytics, core use cases for KPIs and metrics, and strategies for implementing OKRs. Learn about the importance of leading metrics, feedback loops, and weekly accountability conversations. They also highlight the cultural impact and value of continuous learning.

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In this episode, Matt and Ian discuss strategic planning and OKRs. They cover the different starting points for leaders, the importance of understanding your target customer, building a competitive advantage, addressing key challenges, prioritizing effectively, ensuring organizational alignment, and using metrics for success. Gain insights into making strategy accessible, engaging, and impactful for your organization.

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Matt and Ian discuss Blu Sky Chartered Accountants’ journey with CEO Jon Dudgeon. Founded in 2008, Blu Sky thrived by being nimble and innovative, focusing on investment-led technology businesses. Jon highlights the importance of understanding their ideal customer and the comprehensive support Blu Sky offers as a virtual finance function, including compliance and fractional CFO services. Emphasizing a strong company culture and empathetic leadership, Jon shares insights on the benefits of remote work and personal growth, illustrating Blu Sky’s commitment to client success and team cohesion.

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In this engaging podcast episode, we sit down with Oren Greenberg, founder of Kurve, to explore modern marketing. Oren shares his journey from an SEO agency to a leading mobile app marketing agency. We delve into remote work, LinkedIn’s power, and the creator economy. Oren provides insights into B2B SaaS marketing, emphasizing creativity, brand building, and customer understanding. Tune in for expert knowledge on today’s marketing complexities.

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In this episode, hosts Matt and Ian talk with Lisa Colledge, CEO of Lisa Colledge Consulting, about the transformative power of cognitive diversity in the workplace. Lisa shares how diverse thinking styles drive innovation, improve talent management, and boost business performance. She discusses strategies for fostering inclusive cultures, leveraging the strengths of neurodivergent individuals, and implementing cognitive inclusion programs, all illustrated with real-world success stories.

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Join Matt and Ian as they delve into the leadership journey of Hawys Kilday, CEO of Apex Scotland. Hawys shares her unique perspective on leading a charitable organization, discussing the challenges and rewards of unifying a diverse team, addressing systemic societal issues, and advocating for staff support and professional development. Discover how her compassionate and strategic leadership drives meaningful change and shapes the future of Apex Scotland.

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Be Our guest

Welcome to What To Know For The CEO.

This point of the podcast will be obvious, but not the why. Being a CEO is hard. It’s intellectually, emotionally and physically demanding. That’s true whether you’re relatively new to the role or have been in the seat for a long time.

The more consulting engagements we completed, the more we realized the value of sharing our stories and lessons learned from working with other CEOs and subject matter experts. So we talk to both and share our own experiences and know-how.

Matt Roberts - ZOKRI

Matt Roberts

Ian Harvey

Ian Harvey