A Winning Strategy Ready To Align OKRs Within Days, Not Weeks

Craft a winning strategy that brings clarity and focus to your team’s goals – then align your OKRs seamlessly within just a few days.

Purposeful Strategy

Strategy Creates Belief - & Belief is Infectious

Customer-Centered Strategy

A strategy's core is a story about your customers and their needs, what you sell and your ability to help them better than their alternate choices.

Resonate On A Emotional & Rational Level

Performance is as much about feelings and emotions as logic and rational thought.

Unlock The Brilliance From Within

It’s essential to have an inclusive strategy where your bets people have been heard and have been able to contribute.

Focus On & Develop Your Superpowers

We will help you cut through the noise, find you your 'superpowers', tell your story and bring everyone along for the ride.

When you can get under the skin of your customers and clearly articulate what market you’re in and how you propose to provide unique value that is important to them and differentiates you, you create purpose, direction of travel and excitement.

With that comes optimism.

Why does this matter? Confidence and belief are the lifeblood of a company. When you stop believing in the place you’re in, you start looking for a better and safer place.

Strategy is not just for owners and shareholders. Along with culture, it is the glue that holds everything and everyone together. Even if you’ve found yourself experiencing more challenging times, strategy can reassure, unite and create the brief and optimism you need.

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Purposeful Strategy

Create Space Between You & Them

Strategy Solves Challenges

Strategy addresses the problem/challenge.

Customer-Centric Strategies Win

The best strategies are customer value-focused.

Strategy Builds Unique Strengths

Strategy create unique and valuable capabilities.

Articulate Your Strategy As A Story

Make sure your strategy is easy to communicate and can be understood, recalled and followed. Use storytelling techniques to help achieve this.

Leverage Strengths, Mitigate Weaknesses

Strategy plays to your strengths, avoids your weaknesses and takes advantage of trends

Winning strategies involve investing in capabilities that create and sustain a long-term competitive advantage.

Your strategic narrative will clarity who your ideal customers are, the challenges they face and the solutions and value they need from you.

You will share what you have seen that really matters to these customers and where you propose to be unique. This is your point of difference and competitive advantage.

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Stand Out

If There is no Difference, There is Only Indifference

Stand Out, Compete Less

Go from being compared to many competitors to being compared with a few or NONE.

From Indistinct to Distinctly Better

Go from having no real point of difference to being clearly different and better.

Shift from Price Competition to Value Leadership

Go from selling to customers that are price sensitive to having the choice not to compete on price.

Strategic maturity happens when a business can follow a process that results in strategic choices being made. Their choices are clearly articulated along with the unique differentiating value that the business intends to provide a very specific group of customers.

Goals, measures and people alignment can now follow.

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Unlock Your Strategy’s Potential

You're Much Closer to Sharing a Great Strategy Than You Think

Fast Strategy Creation

The majority of strategies we assist in developing are completed in just 3 days or less, providing a swift and effective foundation for future success.

Aligned & Ready

At the end of this time everyone will be on the same page, happy and ready to go.

Foundation for OKR Success

You will have laid the foundations for metrics and OKRs to deliver on your beliefs and potential.

Proudly Shareable Strategy

You will have documents you can be proud of and be ready to share the journey with employees and shareholders.

One misconception is that to create a great strategy, you need to invest a lot of senior leadership time at the beginning of the year to create one.

Another is that it takes a strategic genius to create one.

We find that for most SMBs with 50 - 500 or so people, the starting point is not a blank sheet or paper. There’s knowledge, insights and ideas aplenty. What’s missing is structure, process and the ability to hear each other and be objective, which is where we come in.

This is why in a majority of cases we are able to help leaders to get a point where there is consensus, belief and an ability to describe the strategy in 3 days or less.

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OKR Implementation ROI Broken Down

Reignite growth or accelerate success with OKR implementation.

Evaluate Business Effectiveness

Take the Good Strategy & Execution Self Assessment Tests

In just 2 – 4 minutes, answer key questions to assess your strategic and execution capabilities. Discover strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement to drive better results.

The Good Strategy Test

Answer 7 questions and discover how good your strategic capability is, and where it might be improved.

Execution Capability Test

Answer 5 questions and discover how good your execution capability is, and where it might be improved.

OKR Consultants & Trainers In The UK, Europe & USA

"ZOKRI provided training and workshops that connected our data to strategy and execution, enabling crucial strategic decisions and making us more data-informed. The software was a game-changer, bringing our planning to life with tools like KPI trees, OKRs, and time-saving features. The entire experience added energy, focus, urgency, and confidence to our teams."
Ashley Heather | Head of Strategic Operations | Building Materials Nationwide

Featured Content
The Ultimate OKR Handbook

Transform your organization with 20,000+ hours of proven expertise.

Strategic Growth Support

Customized Strategic Support Services

OKR Implementation

OKR consultants and trainers teach teams new skills and ensure your OKRs will have the impact you expect and can be achieved.

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KPI/Metric Improvement

As important as the metrics is the ability to use and act on them. We train and coach teams on how to approach improving metrics in the fastest time and least effort.

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Metrics: Strategic Growth Support
Content Library

Free Strategic Insights From Industry Experts

Discover our resource library, where strategic leaders and industry experts share insights on growth strategies, OKRs, goal alignment, and execution excellence.

Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.