How should OKRs be measured?

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are typically measured using a grading system that ranges from 0-1, with 0.7 being considered a “good” grade if the goal was aspirational and a stretch. If targets should be met fully, these are often called ‘committed’ targets they would be graded as a 1.

It’s important to note that OKRs are meant to be challenging, but achievable. The goal is not necessarily to achieve a perfect score, but rather to make progress towards achieving your objectives. It’s also important to be honest and realistic when grading your OKRs, as this will help you accurately assess your progress and make adjustments as needed.

It’s also a good idea to regularly review your OKRs and track your progress towards achieving them. This can help you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you are making progress towards your goals. You may also want to consider setting up a system for regularly reviewing and discussing your OKRs with your team, as this can help ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Measuring OKRs twice

At the end of an OKR cycle you should complete a retrospective. The goal of a retrospective is to discuss progress, wins, issues, key learnings and whether you should continue with the OKR.

You can also score the success of using more friendly labels like:

  • Above Expectation
  • Met Expectation
  • Below Expectation


This approach allows you to value learnings as well as final results and encourages teams to be ambitious.