SEO KPI Examples

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

The primary goal of SEO is to increase revenues from search engine results pages, without paying for the click.

Here is a list of 10 KPIs for SEO that guarantee a performance boost.

Easy To Understand SEO KPI Examples

You will need to define the right SEO KPIs and plan to improve them through-time. Here are SEO KPIs that when
tracked will ensure your team are focused on delivering channel growth.


Organic Clicks

Organic Clicks are reported in Google Search Console and although growing Clicks
don’t necessarily result in conversions and revenue, they are a good KPI to track.

Of course the beauty of KPIs used in OKRs is you can pair KPIs like Organic Clicks with KPIs like Conversions
and Revenue from Organic Search. You want to see them all going up. If your clicks are going up and Conversions
and Revenue is not, there’s likely to be an issue with the relevance and quality of the traffic.

Average Position

In Google Search Console they don’t use the term ‘Rank’ they report the Average Position over X Days for a Keyword.

Because this is filterable by Keywords, you could report the Average Position for Keywords that contain ‘KEYWORD’ for example.
Want to do something more complicated then export the data and you’ve got any number of possible KPI reporting options.

If you’re setting goals around becoming an authority on specific topics and growing revenue from that traffic, this is a really useful KPI.

Analytics Goals

Goals are set-up in Analytics Software like Google Analytics and measure how well your
site or app fulfills your target objectives.

A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business e.g.
download, sign-up, demo request. For the selected goal, this is the count of the number of matching conversions.

Because Goals can be Channel specific, you can track the number of goals completed
from Organic Search Traffic, making this a good SEO KPI.

Goal Conversion Rate (%) from Organic Channel

The Goal Conversion Rate % is the conversion rate to the specific goal selected. This can also be calculated by Channel.
Tracking this as a KPI is good as it’s an indication of the relevance of your content and your ability to convert traffic.

This allows is to be used effectively in OKR and also associated with a number of revenue generating
activities or initiatives that target its improvement.

Authority Content Page Count

The pages that perform the best in SEO tend to be topical authorities. The ‘best’ page on a topic on the web.
You want to create a hub of these pages, so you can approach measuring this KPI in two ways.
How many have you published and how many of these pages are visible and delivering traffic?

Visible Pages

Increasing the number of pages delivering over specific thresholds of Clicks is a good Content KPI.
The goal is to increase the number of pages delivering clicks. For example, you may set a
KPI to be the number of pages delivering over 100 clicks a month.


Backlinks are links from other websites to your own content, and improve the authority
of your website and Organic Search Traffic.

A simple count of backlinks would not be a good KPI as links from high quality, trusted authority websites are effective
and poor quality irrelevant websites are going to be ineffective. Effectiveness being
measured by increased Positions, Clicks and Conversions.

So how do you track Backlinks as a KPI? There are lots of methods but a good one is to create a PR media list of 100
or so websites you think should link to you. Then target them and track how many do link to you.

Doing this allows you to ask yourself one of the most important questions when considering how to get links from
specific websites. This is why would that website link to me? The previous KPI
of having Authority Content is certainly going to help.

Page Load Speed

Having pages of content that load quickly is good for searchers and good for your SEO performance.
So tracking it and ensuring Page Load Speed is a KPI you’re tracking is important.

Site Errors

There are a range of site errors like 404 – Page Not Found. These will impact your performance.
This is a KPI where being at Zero is the goal.

Brand Search Volume

Everyone wants to create and market a Brand. Sell more at a premium as a result.

One way to know your brand awareness is on the up is to track the number of people that search for it.
This is your Brand Search Volume.

You can track this in a few ways. The first is to manually look up and record the Search Volume in Google Ads for your brand.
The other is to filter your keywords in Search Console by your brand name and record the impressions.

This makes this particular KPI not just good for SEO but for the Company and the Marketing Team.

This KPI is great when used in Key Results forming part of Brand Building Objectives.

Part of Marketing

Stating the obvious we know but Organic Search is part of Marketing. One of the cool things about using KPIs
and ZOKRI is you can create Parent / Child relationships between KPIs using OKRs. So for example, you could show
the Leads Goal for marketing and the proportion SEO is going to contribute in their own Key Result.
The Child OKRs from Organic Search Generated Leads might be KPIs like Position, Links etc.

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Diagrammatic blueprints of how the whole company can measure, share and work on what matters, improve
performance, and ensure everyone knows and feels that they really matter as well.

Improve KPIs with Dashboards, Goals and Operational Alignment

If you want to improve KPIs, creating KPI Dashboards is the natural next step – especially in an agile working environment.

These KPIs can and should also be used inside Key Results as part of setting goals using OKRs.
Remember that when setting your targets to be ambitious. Goals are deliberately designed to be hard to achieve,
as this is what drives greater creativity, efficiency and effectiveness.

The data can be gathered from integrations with Salesforce and other Sales and
Marketing technologies you’re using, or update KPIs manually.

Inside ZOKRI you can create Dashboards and create OKRs from KPIs. You can also create and manage Initiatives
targeting these KPIs and OKRs in ZOKRI or by connecting task managers like Trello and Asana.

Measuring KPIs that matters, setting goals and aligning and optimizing your operations is
the key to performance growth and is what ZOKRI is designed to do.

Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.