Need To Know For The CEO

Episode #4

Steve Brown

Steve Brown is the CEO of Moonpull, a company dedicated to improving supplier and customer relationships through advanced analytics on affiliate tracking platforms. Steve’s extensive experience includes founding and leading multiple companies, successfully exiting, and serving as an investor. Known for his deep knowledge and ability, Steve’s insights are invaluable in the world of affiliate marketing.

What is Moonpull?

Moonpull helps clients enhance their affiliate tracking by providing detailed analytics on the performance of their advertisers, networks, and publishers. The platform identifies the causes of tracking errors and facilitates efficient remedies, ensuring that affiliate links track correctly and consistently.

"Moonpull is about helping people close the gap in affiliate tracking errors, which can significantly impact their bottom line."

The Importance of Accurate Tracking

In affiliate marketing, accurate tracking is crucial. Publishers only get paid if a user completes a purchase, making reliable tracking essential. Steve emphasizes the need for a meticulous approach to tracking, as small issues can escalate into significant problems if not addressed promptly.

"Small lies become big lies. Small tracking issues can diverge into large tracking issues, so you have to stop the divergence at the get-go."

Navigating Challenges in Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate marketing landscape is constantly evolving, with new challenges such as user consent issues, GDPR, and privacy-first initiatives from companies like Apple and Google. These factors impact tracking and require a collaborative approach to address effectively.

"The sector faces headwinds that must be managed, and working together for the greater good is essential."

Collaboration in the Industry

Steve advocates for greater collaboration within the affiliate marketing industry to tackle common challenges. While there are efforts to come together, he believes more can be done to accelerate progress and improve the sector’s overall effectiveness.

"People are coming together, but they could do so a little more and a little faster."

The Affiliate Model: An Underutilized Opportunity

Steve highlights the affiliate model’s potential, noting that it often gets pigeonholed despite its advantages. He believes that many businesses could benefit from leveraging the affiliate model more effectively, especially compared to other marketing channels like paid search.

"The affiliate model guarantees ROI, and businesses should explore how to make it better and more prominent in their marketing mix."

Leading as a CEO

Steve shares his insights on what it takes to be an effective CEO. He emphasizes that different businesses require different qualities at various stages of their growth. From shaping the culture in a small startup to managing budgets in a large organization, adaptability is key.

"Different businesses have different phases, and it's rare for someone to be a CEO from a startup to a large enterprise. The CEO's role evolves with the company's growth."

Hiring and Managing Talent

Finding and retaining the right talent is crucial for any business. Steve discusses the importance of hiring people who can adapt to the company’s needs and understanding when to switch out or reassign roles as the business grows.

"One of the big challenges is managing people who reach the end of their ability to play their role in a growing business."

Embracing AI and Technology

Steve encourages the use of AI to enhance business processes but cautions against relying on it blindly. AI can be a valuable tool for improving efficiency and solving problems, but it must be used judiciously.

"We use AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, but it's important to verify their outputs and use them to enhance, not replace, human capabilities."

Listening to Employees and Clients

Steve underscores the importance of listening to both employees and clients. By fostering an open environment where concerns can be raised, CEOs can make more informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

"Listen to your employees and clients. Their insights can help you prioritize and address the most critical issues effectively."

Final Advice for Aspiring CEOs

Steve’s advice for new CEOs centers on prudent financial management and strategic hiring. He stresses the importance of careful spending and building a sales process that aligns with the company’s growth stage.

"Spend every penny like it's your last and hire your sales team at the right time. Plan your sales process early to avoid running out of money."

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Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.