Need To Know For The CEO

Episode #2

Collette Easton
Yard Digital

Collette Easton is the CEO of YARD Digital, a UK-based digital marketing agency. Under her leadership, YARD Digital has successfully navigated the rapidly changing landscape of the digital marketing industry, addressing the unique challenges faced by agencies today.

Embracing Change in the Agency Model

Collette’s journey with YARD Digital highlights the significant changes in the agency business model. Traditionally, agencies operated on fixed contract retainers with little performance accountability. However, Collette has recognized the need for a more dynamic and responsive approach.

Understanding and Adapting to Client Needs

By engaging in conversations with CMOs, Collette has gained deep insights into their challenges.

She realized that YARD Digital needed to become a better partner, aligning their efforts with the priorities and preferences of their clients.

Focusing on Quick Wins and Long-Term Strategy

YARD Digital focuses on generating quick wins that deliver immediate revenue for clients. This approach builds trust and opens the door to tackling larger strategic challenges, such as marketing effectiveness measurement and optimizing media investments.

Investing in Measurement Technology

A key differentiator for YARD Digital is their investment in effectiveness measurement technology called Cubed. This technology provides multi-touch attribution and machine-learned propensity modeling, offering clients leading indicators and valuable insights to optimize their marketing efforts.

Evolving the Business Model

Collette has led YARD Digital through a significant transformation, moving away from traditional retained agreements to a more flexible, project-based approach. This change has resulted in greater client satisfaction and more opportunities for repeat business.

Learning from Mistakes and Building Confidence

Collette reflects on her journey as a CEO, acknowledging the importance of staying connected with customers and not letting average performance persist. Her diagnosis of ADHD has helped her understand her strengths and limitations, allowing her to focus on her superpowers and delegate effectively.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Strategic Thinking

YARD Digital’s strategy focuses on helping clients with strategic planning and marketing effectiveness. Collette has worked closely with the ZOKRI team to refine their approach, ensuring that the agency stays aligned with market needs and continues to deliver exceptional value to clients.

Building Strong Relationships and a Positive Culture

Collette emphasizes the importance of strong client relationships and a vibrant company culture. YARD Digital is committed to being a people-first business, with values that are lived and breathed by the entire team.