Need To Know For The CEO

Episode #12

Hawys Kilday
Apex Scotland

Introduction to Apex Scotland

For this episode, we’re joined by Hawys Kilday, CEO of Apex Scotland. Unlike most of our guests, Hawys leads a charitable organization, offering a unique perspective on leadership in the non-profit sector. Apex Scotland is dedicated to supporting individuals who have experienced the criminal justice system or are at risk of doing so.

“We're a charitable organization. We're a Scottish national charity, and we're primarily concerned with supporting those who have experienced the criminal justice system or are at risk of experiencing the criminal justice system.”

Unifying a Diverse Organization

As the CEO, Hawys has focused on creating a sense of unity across Apex Scotland’s geographically diverse services.

“One of my key things has been trying to get the regional hubs to recognize that they are part of one organization... We are one squad in terms of and we're stronger together.”

This approach ensures that while local needs are met, there is a consistent standard and a cohesive way of delivering services.

Addressing Systemic Issues

Hawys is passionate about addressing the broader societal issues that affect her clients. She highlights the importance of understanding the root causes of criminal behavior, often linked to poverty and adversity.

“We criminalize adversity and poverty too quickly. And so those individuals that we work with have often had quite traumatic experiences in their lives... a lot of that's to do with poverty.”

Empowering and Supporting Staff

Recognizing the challenging nature of their work, Hawys is committed to providing her staff with the necessary support and resources. Her leadership prioritizes creating a supportive work environment, advocating for better pay, and ensuring professional development.

“Our staff are the powerhouse of Apex Scotland. It’s crucial they feel supported, valued, and equipped to handle the tough work they do. I strive to ensure they have the tools and support needed to succeed.”

Measuring Success Beyond Numbers

For Hawys, success at Apex Scotland goes beyond mere statistics. She believes in the importance of seeing positive changes in the individuals they support, recognizing that these changes can be incremental and deeply personal.

“For me, success is positive engagement and seeing some change, some positive change within the participants that we work with. And some of that change may be very, very slight, but we need to chip away and work with them and treat individuals as individuals.”

The Future Vision

Hawys envisions a future where Apex Scotland can offer a national service accessible to anyone in need, without the constraints of local commissioning.

“I'd like us to have a golden thread that links us all and that we all knit together so that there are common ways of working. Ultimately, what I would like to do is for us to be developing a national service.”

Her goal is to create a more equitable system where anyone can seek help and receive the support they need.

Final Thoughts

Hawys Kilday’s leadership at Apex Scotland is characterized by her commitment to her staff, her understanding of systemic issues, and her vision for a unified, accessible service. Her approach to leadership in the non-profit sector offers valuable insights into how compassion and strategic thinking can drive meaningful change.

“I strive to ensure our staff have the tools and support needed to succeed. We must support those who need a second chance, and we must do it with compassion and understanding.”

By focusing on the human element and recognizing the complex needs of both staff and participants, Hawys is driving Apex Scotland towards a future where everyone has the opportunity to live their fullest lives.

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Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.