Need To Know For The CEO

Episode #13

Ashley Heather
Building Materials Nationwide

Ashley Heather, Head of Strategic Operations at Building Materials Nationwide, has led a transformative journey toward data-centricity and strategic clarity. His leadership has been pivotal in fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, aligning the company’s efforts toward a unified vision.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Under Ashley’s direction, Building Materials Nationwide has harnessed the power of data to make informed decisions. The implementation of comprehensive data models and metrics has enabled the company to understand market dynamics and customer behavior better, driving efficiency and focus in their operations.

“We came up with good ideas, but when it came to measuring them and understanding our impact, that's where we learned the most.”

A Journey of Strategic Alignment and Innovation

The adoption of OKRs has been a game-changer for the company, moving from ad-hoc decision-making to a structured, goal-oriented approach. This shift has allowed the company to focus on what truly matters and achieve measurable results.

“We've gone from having ideas on a Monday and implementing them by Tuesday, to a more measured approach where we focus on what will truly make a difference.”

Collaboration with ZOKRI

The partnership with ZOKRI has been instrumental in refining the company’s strategic objectives and implementing effective OKRs. ZOKRI’s consulting services provided the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of strategic planning, helping the company set clear and actionable goals.

“Having outside voices has been invaluable, helping us see things differently and making better strategic decisions.”

Centralizing Strategy and Execution

The integration of ZOKRI’s software has streamlined the management of the company’s strategic processes. The platform has become a central hub for strategy, OKRs, experiments, and check-ins, ensuring all team members are aligned and accountable.

“The ZOKRI platform has not only streamlined our strategic processes but also enhanced accountability. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that has allowed us to keep everything organized and transparent.”

Overcoming Initial Challenges

The transition to a data-centric and OKR-driven approach was not without challenges. Initial skepticism from the team was met with persistence and clear communication. Over time, the benefits became evident, as the team experienced improved clarity and direction.

“There was initial pushback from some teams, but over time, the benefits became clear, and the team quickly adapted.”

Embracing a Culture of Continuous Improvement

A key outcome of this transformation has been the development of a culture that values continuous improvement. The structured approach to strategy and performance management has encouraged team members to challenge the status quo and seek innovative solutions. This cultural shift has been vital in maintaining momentum and driving progress.

“The OKRs have encouraged us to move away from ticking off tasks and towards continuous improvement and meaningful impact.”

Strategic Growth and Future Vision

Looking ahead, Building Materials Nationwide is poised for continued growth, leveraging the tools and frameworks provided by ZOKRI. The focus remains on maintaining the right culture and embracing new technologies and practices. The company is building a strong foundation for future success, ensuring they remain agile and focused on long-term goals.

“We're building now, and it feels like we're at the start of something good. We're gonna have a solid foundation under us, which we wouldn't have had twelve months ago.”

Reflections and Learnings

The journey has also been a learning experience, with key takeaways about the importance of structured decision-making and the value of external perspectives. The collaboration with ZOKRI has provided invaluable insights, helping the company navigate challenges and seize new opportunities.

“The process has given me the confidence to handle challenges more effectively, knowing we have a solid strategy and measurement system in place.”

All Episodes

Glen Westlake
Project Principle

Glen has scaled and exited several companies. He helps customers develop their strategies, use OKRs, and execute their plans.

His deep understanding of sales processes and AI enablement makes him a great fit for customers with challenges in those areas.

  • Create value for customers and improve customer experience as a driver of competitive advantage and sales growth.
  • Increasing productivity of teams and individuals.
  • Evolve roles to leverage what are uniquely human advantages to create a happier, more engaged and more productive workforce.